Prabowo-Sandi Will Exempt Tax Payments For Two Years If Yes Is Chosen To Be The Next President

Lensa Aktual. Candidates for President and Candidate for vice president Prabowo-Sandi if elected president in the next period will free tax payments for the next two takun, in order to improve payment compliance and expand the tax base so that the tax ratio to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can improve.

At present, Prabowo is preparing the right forlumation to implement the policy that will be followed by the upcoming Prabowo-Sandi pair, he ordered him to ensure that if he does this, it will not disturb the Indonesian economy.

The plan, the results of the final study of his team will be presented before the debate on presidential and vice presidential candidates with an economic theme begins.

"The plan is that this tax rate will have an impact on the corporation as a whole. But we see the impact, it will be seen in detail so that there is no misleading, "Sandi explained, Wednesday (1/9).

Even though he is still in the study, he mentioned that several sectors that need help with the release of corporate income tax for two years are the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and digital sectors. The fiscal burden of the two sectors, according to him, must be reduced so that business expansion can both take off.
Prabowo-Sandi Will Exempt Tax Payments For Two Years If Yes Is Chosen To Be The Next President

Although he gave an example of a sector that might get tax exemption, Sandi did not mention whether the agency's PPh rate would return to normal after two years of tax exemption.

In accordance with Government Regulation Number 23 of 2018, the final PPh for MSME companies is currently 0.5 percent. Meanwhile, the current corporate income tax adopts a single tariff system of 25 percent in accordance with Article 17 of Law Number 36 of 2008 concerning Income Taxes.

"We plan to finalize this matter and will be designed specifically by the economic team. But the discourse to reduce tax rates on companies for some MSMEs will be considered, "he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Material and Debate of Prabowo-Sandi National Winning Body Sudirman Said said tax reform is an important agenda in the economic field for pair number 02 if elected later. In addition to corporate income tax, Prabowo-Sandi will also increase the Non-Taxable Income (PTKP) and personal income tax rates.

"If the tax rate is lowered, the taxpayers will be more, so the tax ratio will also increase. "Of all the studies conducted, indeed the increase in PTKP has never had an impact on decreasing revenue, so we believe this tax cut can be a good policy," he explained.

Not stopping at the tax level, Prabowo-Sandi plans to also overhaul tax administration. The plan, the Directorate General of Tax of the Ministry of Finance will be merged into the state revenue body so that the Ministry of Finance can focus more on macroeconomic and financial management issues.

"So that the Ministry of Finance will not be bothered in doing revenue collection," said Sudirman.

The Prabowo-Sandi pair will give freedom to pay taxes for the next two years, if they are elected President in the next period, their partners will restore the Indonesian economy from time to time, so let the Prabowo-Sandi couple save the Indonesian economy that has begun to disintegrate.


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