
Prabowo Subianto Invites Indonesian People to Together Build and Improve Errors That Occur in Indonesia

Topik Digital . Prabowo Subianto invites the Indonesian people to jointly develop and correct the mistakes that have occurred in Indonesia, He invites the public to change the direction of the country with a better "So I talk to young people to characters, let us learn, let's change direction if our direction is wrong. So we have to change direction, we have to change the wrong culture, the culture of corruption is a very dangerous disease, "said Prabowo Prabowo said that the problem that was plaguing our country was that it was wrong, about social or economic, this problem could not be left alone, because it could lead to suspicion of anger later appearing and finally breaking up, "So that's what we must realize and we must anticipate," Prabowo said Prabowo assessed that this riot was a result of social and economic irregularities. Prabowo said that this condition had made Indonesia have to change its direction. "Like blood, our blood has flowed too mu...

Prabowo-Sandiaga Meets with SBY Discusses Vision-Mission

Kabar Gram . Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno Presidential and Vice-President Candidate Number 02 has had a meeting with Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Democratic Party Chairperson This meeting is to discuss Prabowo-Sandiaga's vision and mission for the first debate event on the 17th of January 2019, SBY's house is the meeting place in the mega kuningan area, Jakarta Prabowo-Sandiaga arrived at SBY's residence at 115: 03 WIB and came out of SBY's house at 16:30 WIB, there was no detailed explanation about the meeting, Prabowo said they only came to talk at SBY's residence Suggestions and input from SBY are very important for Prabowo and Sandiaga to face this 2019 Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election Debate "He is a supporter of Pak Prabowo and Bang Sandi who have long experience in the presidential election competition. So Mr. SBY's input is very important ahead of the debate, "said dahnil The first debate in the 2019 presidential election will be divide...

Sandiaga Receives the 7th Wallet during Political Safekeeping

Kata Indo . Sandiaga Uno Cawapres number 02 received the 7th wallet donation while running a political safari if there were 1,000 points in the political safari area in Indonesia. The 7th envelope obtained by Sandiaga came from Alfian, a UI student who majored in Management. Directly, Alfian gave his envelope to Sandi during a conversation program with the millennial group at Ropisbak Al-Ghifari, Jl. Margonda Raya No.469A, Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok City, West Java, on Monday 07 January 2019. "Mr. Sandi, I am millennial, not only mothers who feel troubled, we are also difficult. Nowadays nothing is difficult, I study expensive fees, expensive books, there are no subsidies, finding work is difficult, making the permit business difficult, I will give this wallet and its contents to you, This is my safekeeping for the struggle, "Alfian said. Sandi was touched when he got a wallet from Alfian and pledged that if he accepted the beliefs of the Indonesian people to become a national ...

Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno Can Develop Entrepreneurship for Mother's Community

Jurnal Akbar . Prabowo-Sandi Pair of Candidates and Vice-Presidential Candidates number 02 received support from the mother-and-mother group of the 2019 Presidential Election. At present, the support comes from Sukabumi's Barisan Emak and Eneng Berdaya (BEB). They announced the support in front of Nur Asia's wife, Sandiaga Uno, in Casablanca, Blok C, Housing Puri Cibereum II, Sukabumi. Susan, Chairperson of BEB Sukabumi, explained that the group expressed their support for Prabowo-Sandi because they were considered to be able to develop entrepreneurship for the mother-mother community. "We hope that a program like this should be in the government, if we are MSMEs who propose to bring such programs to the government, we have to pay. Hopefully with the election of Prabowo-Sandi, activities like this can be bigger and more. Therefore we support Prabowo-Sandi to become President of the Republic of Indonesia this year, "Susan said. Susan said, her group also felt helped by...

Ahead of the 2019 Presidential Election Debate, Sandiaga: We Only Look Natural, There Is No Presenter That Polishes

Harian Id . Sandiaga Uno Cawapres number 02 explained that there was no special supply to attend the 2019 presidential election debate. Sandi said that they would appear modest. "We just look natural, there are no polish presenters," said Sandi. Meanwhile, the incumbent camp was assisted by three former television presenters in the presidential election debate supplies which will be held on Thursday, January 17, 2019. Among them are, Tina Talisa, Meutya Hafid, Putra Nababan. Sudirman Said Director of Material and Debate of Prabowo-Sandi BPN channeled the same thing with Sandiaga. Said explained, there would be no increase in ability for the Prabowo-Sandi pair. "Both of them are handsome, already smart, what are you going to polish," said Sudirman Said. Sudirman Said considers that they will only compare the understanding of the material that will be given during the upcoming presidential election debate. "This is a contest of leaders who are looking for origina...

The Reputation of the Prabowo-Sandi Couple Has Now Reached 85%

Jurnal Fakta . Sandiaga Uno Cawapres number 02 stated that his reputation with Prabowo Subianto had reached 85%. This is according to the results of his internal research. "Our popularity is above 85 percent. But if we look at our internal survey, we still have to work hard, "said Sandi. While in terms of electability, the Prabowo-Sandi pair is said to have reached 40%. This number will continue to increase. Sandi asserted, in the next 100 days his team will focus on areas that have high voice assistance. "But I predict this will be very tight because we continue to increase, and if we boost this tight fight it will begin to be seen in February and March," Sandi said. Sandiaga also said that the Java region was the center of the 2019 Presidential Election victory. The Prabowo-Sandi pair will continue to visit areas that have not yet been visited. "We see Central Java, East Java and West Java as key and also other parts of Indonesia that have been visited or tha...

Prabowo-Sandiaga Trusted Calm Facing First Debate of 2019 Presidential Election

Siaran Id . The Prabowo-Sandi pair is believed to be calm in welcoming the first debate of the presidential election in1919. Sudirman Said, Director of BPN Material and Debate, Prabowo-Sandi, said that the candidate pair they had brought completed the debate material. "I feel the two candidates are very accustomed to spontaneous statements that master the problem well, accustomed to discussions with difficult things," said Sudirman Said. According to Sudirman Said, Prabowo-Sandi did not want a debate simulation. The capital for Prabowo-Sandi welcomed the debate only regarding the management of the submission of material. "In terms of mastery of material, God willing, Pak Prabowo and Pak Sandi are naturally ordinary people," he said. KPU will hold five debates of 2019 Pilres cadres. The first debate of the presidential election will be held on January 17, at Hotel Bidakara, Pancoran, South Jakarta. The program is implemented with the debate structure of presidential ...

Prabowo's Aid for Disaster Victims in Central Sulawesi

Kolom Media . Prabowo Subianto candidate number 02 intends to visit the victims of the disaster in Central Sulawesi, Tuesday afternoon (08/01/19). Prabowo is planned to meet with the victims to talk and gather in a refugee camp in Mpanau Village, Siqi Regency, Central Sulawesi. "Pak Prabowo will also see and monitor the progress of the distribution of aid from the Gerindra party to the victims of the disaster," said Abdul Karim Aljufri, Member of the Prabowo-Sandi National Winning Body (BPN). Abdul assessed, after post-disaster hit Central Sulawesi, Prabowo had ordered all his party candidates to go down and contribute to the victims of the Central Sulawesi disaster. "So his presence was also to see the development of the distribution of aid provided by the Gerindra Party to the victims," ​​he said. Abdul said, a few days after the disaster in Central Sulawesi, the Gerindra Party built a public kitchen to entertain 2000 food packages per day for disaster victims. Co...

Prabowo-Sandi Concerned About Efforts To Spread Terror To KPK Leaders

Siaran Rakyat . Sandiaga Uno Candidate for Vice President serial number 02 is fierce towards terror which refers to the KPK leadership. Sandi regretted the government's efforts to quell Corruption instead of accepting opposition. "I am concerned, I have also just read the headline not yet examined. We, together with Pak Laode Syarif, we convey that Prabowo-Sandi sympathizes and is concerned about efforts to spread fear and also a sense of terror," said Sandiaga. Sandi also observed the number of Corruption he considered entering stadium IV. Sandi asserted, if he was elected, strengthening the law for corruption cases would be increased. "This people are fed up with corruption that has entered stadium IV and the KPK is on the cutting edge, Under Prabowo-Sandi law enforcement in the sector, especially in the field of corruption eradication and prevention of corruption we strengthen," Sandi said. Sandiaga will also emphasize that law enforcement will not accept har...

Prabowo -Sandi Will Tro To Reduce Import Issues If Chosen In 2019 Presidential Election

Portal Fakta . Irfan Yusuf Hasyim Spokesperson for the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo-Sandi said that the pair Prabowo-Sandi presidential and vice presidential candidate number 02 would carry out a more productive presidential campaign style, welcoming the new year 2019. Irfan said that Prabowo-Sandi would be more focused on delivering economic programs that would be carried out if he won in the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election. "When we go around the regions, there must be complaints from residents, especially from farmers. Farmers screamed a lot because the government opened the import tap. Indonesia is the country with the longest coastline in the world, but still imports salt. There are even some types of fish that we import and this is a complaint of Indonesians in the countryside, "said Irfan. This was stated at the year-end reflection program on Jalan Sriwijaya, Jakarta, on Monday 31 December 2018. Therefore, Irfan asserted, if Prabowo-Sandi is elected, they wi...

Prabowo Gives Enthusiasm and Prayer for the Existence of Ustaz Arifin Ilham

Jurnal Portal . Candidate for president number 02 Prabowo Subianti has visited Ustaz Arifin Ilham at RSCM, Ustaz Arifin is one of Prabowo's best friends, seen in the photo uploaded on his official Twitter account @prabowo. "My prayer is for the recovery of Ustad Arifin Ilham who is currently lying sick," said Prabowo on Wednesday, January 9, 2019, at 16:50 WIB. Prabowo was seen chatting with Ustaz Arifin Ilham who looked very cool both, and also seen Ustaz Arifin showing his video riding. "His determination and enthusiasm to recover were very strong, even in the middle of the discussion he had shown me a video of riding," said Prabowo. Arifin Ilham is known to be treated at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, after his son, Muhammad Alvin Aziz, uploaded a photo of his father to a social media account and requested a healing prayer. Not yet known what caused Arifin Ilham to be hospitalized. But at the end of last year, Arifin reportedly suffered from nasopharyn...

Habiburokhman Confident of the Debate of the Presidential Candidate Pretama Prabowo-Sandi Superior

Id Utama . Habiburokhman This Geridra Party politician said, that the Prabowo-Sandi camp was superior to the first presidential and vice presidential debate, would win 3-0 from the incumbent camp. "Regarding the first debate material, namely the matter of law and human rights, corruption, and terrorism, I am sure Prabowo has won 3-0 from Jokowi," Tandas Habiburokhman told reporters on Tuesday (01/08/2019). Habiburokhman, said that the Pertahana camp had three problems, which were lacking, but the Prabowo camp understood and understood the problem that the defense camp was lacking in understanding. "This could be fulfilled promises versus new hope. In the field of law and human rights, people will question the case of inequality in law enforcement, there are sharp legal charges to the opposition but it is blunt to the supporters of the authorities. In addition, there are several important human rights cases that have not been completed, such as the case of Marsinah, Udin,...

Prabowo Visits Speech Center in Refuge Tent

Berita Gram . Pada Tanggal 8 Januari 2019 Kemarin Prabowo mentapa warga Selawesi tengah, Beliau di depan para relawan, Kader dan Para simpatisan, Calon Presiden nomor urut 02 ini melontarkan perntataan bahwa Pemerintahan Indonesia gagal bila tidak bisa memberi para rakyat makan. “Kalau kita tidak mampu memberi makan kepada rakyat kita, maka negara kita sesungguhnya gagal sebagai negara,” Tandas Prabowo dalam acara yang digelar di salah satu hotel di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Selasa (8/1/2019). Prabowo mengatakan seperti itu ada alasanya, Indonesia adalah negara yang sangat kaya, tumbuhan yang di tanam di indonesia pasti tumbuh dan berbuah, Indonesia itu kaya dan subur tanahnya, bila aneh jika negara indonesia tidak bisa memberi makan rakyatnya. “Bangsa-bangsa Eropa datang ke kita, ratusan tahun mereka datang ke kita. Kita negara yang sangat kaya, tapi rakyat kita masih banyak yang miskin,” Ujar Prabowo Ketua umum partai Gerindra. Di Jawa Barat, dia mengaku baru menerima laporan mengenai s...

Prabowo-Sandi Will Exempt Tax Payments For Two Years If Yes Is Chosen To Be The Next President

Lensa Aktual . Candidates for President and Candidate for vice president Prabowo-Sandi if elected president in the next period will free tax payments for the next two takun, in order to improve payment compliance and expand the tax base so that the tax ratio to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can improve. At present, Prabowo is preparing the right forlumation to implement the policy that will be followed by the upcoming Prabowo-Sandi pair, he ordered him to ensure that if he does this, it will not disturb the Indonesian economy. The plan, the results of the final study of his team will be presented before the debate on presidential and vice presidential candidates with an economic theme begins. "The plan is that this tax rate will have an impact on the corporation as a whole. But we see the impact, it will be seen in detail so that there is no misleading, "Sandi explained, Wednesday (1/9). Even though he is still in the study, he mentioned that several sectors that need help wit...

The Vision-Mission Conveyed By the Prabowo-Sandi Is Very Good To Compare The Defense Forces

Go Fakta . Meujudkan keinginan Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dalam sosial dan ekonominya, pasangan Capres dan Cawapres ini yang akan mewujudkannya pada priode 2019-2024 mendatang. Rektor Universitas Paramadina Firmanzah menilai, visi-misi yang di sampaikan oleh kedua pasangan sangat bermaknasekali bagi masyarakat, karna visi-misi beliau di sampaikan mengikuti aspirasi keluhan rakyat selama ini, pesangan lebih unggul di bandingkan dengan kubu pertahan. “Kalau ini (Prabowo-Sandi) challenger. Tentu sebagai challenger akses terhadap data, informasi, struktur birokrasi tidak akan selengkap petahana. Tapi seorang challenger memiliki kekuatan fleksibilitas dan itu dibuktikan oleh Mas Sandi turun ke 1.000 titik dalam waktu 120 hari. Menurut saya itu komitmen yang luar biasa yang ditunjukkan Prabowo-Sandi,” Papar Firmanzah dalam diskusi Rabu Biru ‘Menuju Ekonomi Indonesia yang Adil dan Makmur’ di Prabowo-Sandi Media Center, Jalan Sriwijaya I, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (9/1/2019). Tak hanya menyerap ...